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Cloud Competency Projects
All opinions are my own
Hey! I'm Victor (@victor_joshua) 😊
I'm an AWS Certified Solutions Architect @ IT Experts Service. Welcome to my blog. I actively use this platform to share my cloud projects so community members can learn from it. Are you in the process of migrating your on-premises workload to the cloud? I can help you realise your cloud dreams from initial planning to consultancy to funding explorations to managed services and cloud governance.
DM me Fund to get started.
Victor Joshua
In my current role as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, I actively design technical services and plan system integration, selecting and designing necessary platforms and technologies to meet project requirements and user needs across our IT estate. Additionally, I lead and encourage communication across development teams to identify strategic requirements and dependencies for operational efficiency. On a day-to-day basis, I engage IT partners in the design of End-to-End solutions including multiple technical domains (Hosting, Data, Application, Integration, and Security).

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